• coming
    Sexuality,  Self-Love

    Top 3 Best Tips For Coming Out

    Coming out can be really scary. If you are a Gen Z like me, there is a 1 in 6 chance that you are queer. Homosexuality comes with many extraordinary experiences but also with many difficulties if you come from…

  • CJ1
    Personality Traits

    The Basics of Jungian Psychology

    Carl Jung was an early supporter of Sigmund Freud because of their shared interest in the unconscious. He was an active member of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society (formerly known as the Wednesday Psychological Society). When the International Psychoanalytical Association formed…

  • self1
    Personality Traits

    Self-Concept in Psychology

    Self-concept is our personal knowledge of who we are, encompassing all of our thoughts and feelings about ourselves physically, personally, and socially. Self-concept also includes our knowledge of how we behave, our capabilities, and our individual characteristics. Our self-concept develops…

  • genderfluid1
    Personality Traits

    Understanding Gender Fluidity

    A person who is gender fluid is flexible in regard to the sex with which they identify. They believe that gender is non-binary, meaning that not all humans fit squarely into either the male or female category. Gender, then, is…

  • BodyDis01
    Mental Health

    The Psychology of Body Dysmorphic Disorder

    Body dysmorphic disorder is a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder. An individual with body dysmorphic disorder is overly preoccupied with what are perceived as gross imperfections in their appearance and spends an hour or more every day thinking about the way…

  • Sexuality

    Is Sexual Orientation Pre-Determined or Developed?

    If you’ve ever asked yourself the above question, you will probably receive one of two responses: Yes, people choose to be gay. They are making an immoral choice, which government should discourage. Or – no, sexual preference is biologically determined.…

  • LoA1
    Personality Traits

    Understanding the Laws of Attraction.

    Psychology has studied the laws of attraction for at least half a century, and some of the findings might surprise you. We often think that how attractive we are is just about physical appearance. We assume that we’re either a…