The Steps to Forgiving Yourself
Seeking forgiveness from others for our actions is irresponsible: the challenge is to accept our mistakes and forgive ourselves. How many times have we heard the phrase “before forgiving others, we must forgive ourselves”? Probably a lot. But it is…
Running On Fumes: How To Deal With Burnout
Your brain and body can only handle feeling overworked and overwhelmed for so long. If you consistently experience high levels of stress without taking steps to manage or reduce it, exhaustion eventually takes over — leaving you emotionally and physically…
Tips to Overcome the Impostor Syndrome (Part One)
The constant feeling of being an impostor. This is what a person who suffers from the impostor syndrome feels. If you are receiving a promotion at work, congratulations for a successful project, recognition for daily work, a prize or simple…
Explaining the Mandela Effect
Have you ever misquoted famous movie quotes or felt like masses of people believed that an event that actually did not happen? The Mandela Effect is a popular and heavily debated type of false memory. It refers to the situation…
The Basics of Freudian Psychology
Following on from our overview of the work of Carl Jung and his contribution to psychology (which you can read here, if you haven’t already), today we’ll be getting to know another pillar of the field in Sigmund Freud and…
Understanding How Marketers Use FOMO to Manipulate You
FOMO, or the “fear of missing out” only came into the popular lexicon in recent years, but it’s always been a part of our culture. You could feel like you’ve been ostracized if you can’t go to an event with…
Making a Good Impression: When, Where, and How?
Generally speaking, people are more concerned about their image, their reputation. We wonder what people will think of us if we do this or that or if we wear this or that outfit. We are afraid that others will point…
Simple Yet Effective Tips to Take Care of Your Mental Health during a Pandemic
It has been over two years since the coronavirus pandemic emerged. Years that have tested our resilience, our morale and, also, our sanity, as we have had to deal with a health emergency like we have never experienced before. The…
Youth Suicide: A Raging Plague
Suicide is an intense and unbearable act caused by certain factors such as depression, violence, bullying, alcoholism, etc. Currently, most cases are among young people and adolescents, and many can not control them. But do you know why they choose…
The Ridiculously Comprehensive Guide to Meditating
I grew up with hippie parents who swore by the benefits of meditation and alternative medicines, and I’ve been practising yoga and meditating since I was five. I can tell you that meditating is an excellent way to get your…