Adrenaline Rush: How Is It A Good Thing?
Adrenaline is quite secreted when you’re under stress; it elevates the heart rate and blood pressure, boosting the amount of body energy. The hormone is generated by the medulla of the adrenal glands, as well as certain neurons in the…
Releasing Serotonin: Your Secret to Better Mood and Happiness
How do we get happy or in a good mood? Yes, when someone makes us laugh or when we meet someone after a long time. But what actually results in happiness? Have you ever thought about it? Well the answer…
Mood Swings Also Exist in Men: 5 Causes for These Fluctuations
When we think of mood swings, most of us usually associate them with women. This preconception is of course based on many hormonal factors related to the most ” fragile ” periods of a woman’s life, such as menstruation, pregnancy…
Eat Your Way to Happiness
Happiness is contagious. In fact, for us, happiness is an emotion that can be triggered by many things, including a long hot bath after hours of work or laughter at a silly joke. But above all, happiness is in the…
3 Simple Steps to Follow to Beat Winter Blues
Perhaps a cloudy day, a tree that starts showing its first leaves, a flower that already looks felled, all of these things cause your mood to drop. In fact, it seems that just watching nature show the symptoms of winter’s…
Tips to Take Care of Your Mental Health
Most of the time, when we talk about health, we associate the term with the body, in other words, the almost all the medical tests we run are related to our physical body. However, it is crucial to pay attention…