Is Hurry Sickness Real? (Part 1)
People with hurry sickness live with constant stress, worry, anxiety, and irritability. Below we detail what this condition consists of and how to combat it. Do you constantly multitask around the clock and feel pressured or anxious about any delay? Are you one of those people who is talking on the phone and serving children while answering an email? If this is your case, you likely suffer from the disease of haste. This condition has not been listed as a distinct clinical condition. However, cardiologists coined the term to refer to a pattern of behavior present in type A personalities, characterized by the urgency of time and impatience. In general terms, they defined the disease of haste as a chronic and ongoing struggle to achieve more and more things in less time. People with this condition tend to multitask in a hurry, try to save as much time as possible, and feel irritable when they are delayed.
Inrush disease, feelings of urgency, anxiety, worry, and stress are always present. This converges because they are busy people and feel that time is not enough to carry out all the responsibilities. However, one must be careful with this claim. If we assume that being efficient is living fast, performing various tasks a day, we will likely not realize that something is wrong. Another characteristic is the need to be doing other things while waiting. Well, they feel that the time that passes in these moments is not productive. In this way, they look for activities to do in these periods.
Other signs of rush disease may include the following:
- Perform constant mental calculations to see if another task can be accomplished. If you notice some free time in the agendas, it tends to be filled with more responsibilities.
- There is irritability when setbacks occur.
- Review your to-do list to make sure nothing has been overlooked
- Speeding to avoid wasting time
- Go from one queue to another because it feels a little shorter. Either in traffic, the supermarket, or another establishment.
- Sleep with your clothes on to save time the following day
- I need to do the earrings faster and faster, even when there is no reason to be in a hurry.
- When driving, people with this characteristic tend to be fast without measuring the danger.
This condition is usually an expression of unprocessed internal conflicts that produce anguish in the person. In this way, cluttering yourself up with tasks is a way of coping or escaping. Consequently, there is likely to be a fear of failure, a need for approval, or an inability to set limits behind the disease of haste. However, each person is a world, and the specific causes will depend on the individual constitution. For their part, technological advances, designed to make our lives easier, have contributed to less free time. It seems counterintuitive, but it is. Thanks to these time-saving tools (clothes dryers, dishwashers, microwaves, mobile phones), we create an illusion and take on more responsibilities than we can handle. With this, we do not want to discredit the value of these new technologies. On the contrary, the important thing is to realize that these devices do not make our time infinite and that we will always have a limit, and the idea is to know how to recognize it.
The intervention of a professional is always pertinent. However, some cases require it more urgently than others. These are people whose health has been severely compromised. Either because of the emotional ravages (stress, irritability, anxiety) or because of recklessness that endangers your life or that of others (such as driving at high speeds or having recurring attacks of anger). Hurry sickness can be confused with productivity and go unnoticed. It is essential to recognize if a loved one or we may be suffering from this condition. If so, solutions must be put in place, which could avoid severe consequences in the future.
Stay tuned for the second part!
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